Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Morning After...

Couple things to start...

1. I know those first two posts were quite long, I figure once I get the hang of this blogging thing a bit more I'll get more concise and my words/post ratio will go down substantially.

2. I realized that I switched tenses right in the middle of my 2nd post...I am embarrassed and ashamed and I apologize that you had to deal with that. In all seriousness, I'd like to say it won't happen again, but it probably mentioned above though I am sure my grammar and spelling will get better as I go on with this (another added benefit of blogging!!!).

3. I've gone back and forth with the idea of posting before and after pictures, weights, body fat percentages, ect, as of now I think I'll just stick with times but that could be coming so GET HYPEDDDDDDD

Now on to today...

Woke up this morning feeling pretty OK, I watched a little netflix then popped out of bed at the crack of noon to hit up the gym at my work. One of my co-workers had told me about a 15-13-9 workout benchmark and I wanted to try it out.

What is the 15-13-9 workout? You do 15 pull-ups followed by 15 front squats followed by overhead presses with a 95 lb bar. Then 13 of each. Then 9. My co-worker had warned me that it was quite difficult and I fully believed him, but I wanted to try it out for myself anyway. #imanidiot

I got to the gym, warmed up on the elliptical (like a boss) did a few stretches and then set a timer. I had no idea how long it should take or what a good time was, I just wanted to finish.

I started with 15 pull-ups, I had been warned not to sprint too fast out of the gate, so I did 3 sets of 5 with minimal rest in between sets. They went pretty well, and I felt pretty confident at that point. Next, I went into the front squat/overhead presses. I had never actually done these, and I'm guessing many of you have no idea what they are, so let's see if I can explain them a little better...

Basically, you grab a barbell and hold it at your chest with your palms facing forward. You then squat down while holding the barbell in front of you. I tried to go a little past parallel on the squats but I'm sure I cheated on a few. Upon exploding up out of the squat, you press the bar over your head and lockout your elbows.

The first set of these went pretty well, I did all of them in a row and finished without too much trouble. "Wow" I thought, "that wasn't so bad!".

...then I realized I had to do the same shit all over again. Eff.

I took a quick lap around the gym to catch my breath then went back to the pull-up bar. I struggled through five pull-ups and decided to rest. I grabbed some water, then got back after it. I did 4, then 3, absolute struggle city.

I then went back to the squat/press things and did 5 of them....absolutely brutal, basically my whole body was shutting down on me. With generous breaks and some help from Nelly's "Heart of a Champion" I was able to power through the rest of the sets in a final time of 11:12. I assume this is not very good since I took pretty long breaks, hopefully I'll get better.

All in all I was happy just to finish, but I feel like this is definitely an area where I can get a lot better.

Alright, thats it, keep it gangster

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